FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FC GPR / FC TRS / Downstream Investment) Date: BANK NAME ADDRESS Dear Sir/ Madam, Ref: Investment in ………………. for ……… (number of shares) shares @10 each by remitting FCY amounting to Rs……………….. We confirm that this inv…
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NBFC is a company which is carrying on the business of acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business…
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Please refer to our circular no. DBR.No.Dir.BC.10/13.03.00/2015-16 dated July 01, 2015 , Master Directions no. DNBR.PD.007/03.10.119/2016-17 dated September 01, 2016 , DNBR.PD.008/03.10.119/2016-17 dated September 01, 2016 and DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136…
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It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank that the validity of banknotes with a Star (*) symbol present on the number panel has recently been the subject of discussions on some social media platforms. In this connection, it is informed that the S…
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Scheme of Offline Retail Payments Using Cards and Mobile Devices There has been considerable growth in digital payments using mobile phones, cards, wallets, etc. Lack of internet connectivity or low speed of internet, especially in remote areas, is a majo…
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Reserve Bank of India and Central Bank of the UAE sign two MoUs to (i) establish a Framework to Promote the Use of Local Currencies for Cross-border Transactions and (ii) cooperation for interlinking their payment and messaging systems The Reserve Bank o…
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RBI FLA Return The entities which accepting (FDI) Foreign Direct investment in india. in any mode has to file FLA (Foreign Liabilities and Assets) Return with the RBI on or Before 15th of July. For filing FLA return one has to create a user account in https:/…
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